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  • Paridhi Agrawal


Updated: Nov 15, 2023

TW: self harm, depression

Let it end!

Let me be one with the wind and the earth again,

Let me go with a little piece of me on me.

Let them tell the tale: 

Of the young one

With many gifts and beings inside her,

Of her desolate existence

And her beautiful mind,

The small humble desires.

Crushed by the demands of the universe

And the burden of the ageless being inside

The very being that held her finger 

To lead this far

They're all dying.

One by one

Brick by brick 

She pulls down the facade 

That she ever lived.

Until there is nothing left, within and without

A hundred words become daggers,

One still only a humble desire.

For she knew

Every word is a piece of art,

With a life and history of its own.

Yet the universe refuses to let me go.

Like a parasite inside my body;

Taking over,

Ruining everything but not letting it end.


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