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  • Mahima Ravi


It's moments like these, silent but true,

when we stare at each other 

lying on different beds, everything already said, 

that the distance changes dimension.

We are not far, we are not near,

but we are connected.

We cup the world in our palms

and everything seems possible and nothing seems possible,

when I look into your eyes, when you melt into that smile. 

It's something different, there's a switch in the time.

When we talk redundant sentences, loving banter, 

I make you look into my heart and read it like a book.

I don't seek to find answers to the questions that come up

about life and about love and about everything up above

but I ask them to you.

To ease the solitude of confusion and the unknown,

to ease the pain of facing it alone.

And we sit in thought and we sit with no conclusion,

for we know nothing but the present illusion. 

But in this spacey dimension of pondering 

we find our souls cuddling,

minds wrangling, thoughts untangling 

in forever loop of thinking it through,

in a forever loop of thinking of you,

how this distance sustains my love for you. 

Oh it hurts but it's true 

despite the distance, I love you.


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