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  • Mahima Ravi


I wish I could capture a moment

With the blink of my eye,

And have it engraved in my memory

So I can recall it at night.


Perfect as the moment was,

With you in sight,

Smiling your soft, golden smile,

And sighing your deepest, contented sigh.

I would store it

In the folds of my mind,

And reproduce it from time to time.


Even when the tides of life

Have drifted us apart,

And we sit in different corners of the world,

Working on different paradigms,

You would still inspire embers of feeling

That would warm my freezing heart.

And it would be a reassurance to know

That I am capable of inducing in someone so beautiful

A smile so genuine and so full of love.


I know not how our paths would cross,

Intertwine, unwind, or break apart,

But I sure am grateful for our proximity tonight.

And I'll blink a million times

In the hopes of immortalizing the memory,

So that your smile will shine forevermore

And bring a glowing light to my grim soul.


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