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  • Ava Arjun

A wintertime love

maybe it's not the weather

maybe its you

maybe the reason why your hands are ice and mine are coal is not the winter

maybe its your heart

a divine affliction, an inability to love

where it warms others, it leaves you cold and void

a wintertime love, or the lack of it

I would pour out my love and life's blood into a crystal bottle and gift it to you and smile as you make a face and keep it aside

You're not cold enough to throw it away, not as yet

you'll keep it instead, let it gather dust and age but you will keep it. apathy, not evil

the cold breeze sways me and buckles my knees but the thought of that crystal bottle in your home keeps me standing

were you born this cold? with snowflakes on your eyelashes and a frozen tongue?

unable to spit out three words, eight letters?

were you made with comfort in your eyes but ice on your hands?

ironic isn't it? how we love winter when it's the coldest, but we adore it because we can get warmth, we can pursue it, we can find it, make it, consume it, cling on to its legs and beg it not to leave you?

maybe that's why I chase your hands and you reluctantly give me your pinky finger to link mine with

perhaps it's why you offer me a earphone when we sit next to each other on the bus

I refuse to believe the chill that runs down my spine when you laugh at something I say. I have yet to decide whether its a warning or just


either ways, best not to trust it

you are the only good thing in snow

the only trusting thing in frigidity

the glass shard in my eye reflects you and you put it there, you intended it

so I will see you through the blizzard, through the walls put up by those before me

so that I can link my pinky finger through yours, offer you an earphone on the bus and call it a day

the adjectives and metaphors associated with winter don't do justice to you and they never will

the english language has yet to capture speech for the boy with winter on his fingertips but summer in his heart

but I will start

cold things make other things cold while they become warm, this is how it was written

lets defy the laws of physics together because some might burn for you

but darling, 

I'd freeze


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