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  • Aariya Thoumoung

MoF Speeches Ground Report

The Ministry of Finance speeches witnessed four candidates for three positions in the Ministry. Harigovind, also contesting for the Ministry of Campus and Culture, was the first to give a speech and primarily talked along the lines of trying to work around the apparent financial crunch of the university and aiding clubs. This was questioned in terms of tangibility and feasibility. Mishka followed up next and talked about her term as part of the MoF in 2023-24, and to tackle the only issue that the MoF was not able to aid right away the delayed reimbursement, she proposed a system very similar to Service Hub (run by the Operations team)  to track where the reimbursement process is in the timeline. Moksha spoke next and mostly echoed Mishka’s ideas and emphasised trying to help the Sports club and the finances that the club constantly struggles with, by proposing to push for a Sports department. She also pointed to working towards more Financial Aid transparency but was questioned in terms of what more can be done, keeping in mind the outgoing Ministry’s extensive work on FA FAQ shared and meetings held. Apeksha spoke last about how she wanted to distribute club budgets. She was questioned owing to the yearly club budget system being scrapped by OSL in favour of a budget-per-event request system. The Q&A session just went deeper into what the candidates wanted to prioritise in their tenure, what they envision the role of the MoF and what its future looks like, keeping in mind the constitutional amendments.

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