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  • Saakshi

AstroSat Captures 600th Mega Explosion, Illuminating India's Astronomical Prowess

The tapestry of the universe is constantly being reshaped by events of unimaginable power and destructive force. On November 22nd, 2023, India's Astrosat, a testament to the nation's astronomical ambitions, captured its 600th such event – a gamma-ray burst (GRB) named GRB 231122B. This milestone signifies not only a remarkable achievement for Astrosat but also bolsters India's claim as a rising vanguard in unravelling the universe's most spectacular mysteries.

GRB’s are the most powerful explosions known to occur in the cosmos, releasing a colossal amount of energy exceeding the energy output of our sun across its entire lifespan in seconds. These cataclysmic occurrences are primarily triggered by either the implosion of massive stars or the collision of two neutron stars, subsequently giving birth to a black hole or a neutron star. Astrosat, armed with its Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), boasts the distinct capability to detect these fleeting, high-energy events, thereby opening a window into the universe's most violent phenomena.

The significance of this 600th detection transcends mere numerical milestones. It underscores AstroSat's consistent stellar performance and scientific astuteness. Launched in 2015, this pioneering satellite has revolutionised Indian astrophysics with a string of groundbreaking discoveries. From unveiling black holes and pulsars to gleaning insights into galactic structures, AstroSat has carved its path as a vital instrument probing the deepest recesses of the cosmos.

These explosive behemoths are believed to be a primary forge for the creation of heavy elements like gold and platinum, enriching the cosmic expanse with their stellar alchemy. Further, studying GRBs paves the way for a greater understanding of the birth and evolution of black holes and neutron stars, entities that continue to baffle astronomers with their warped gravitational realities.

The implications of AstroSat's triumph extend beyond comprehending these stellar infernos. Every burst captured propels India towards the forefront of international astronomical efforts. The nation's unwavering commitment to expanding its celestial exploration is evident in its ambitious upcoming missions, with telescopes poised to scrutinise celestial bodies ranging from planets to black holes.

AstroSat's unwavering gaze remains fixed on the distant expanse, anticipating the next mega-explosion. It serves as a persistent reminder of India's unyielding ambition and scientific acumen, propelling the nation towards a future brimming with astronomical revelations. With every burst documented, every stellar secret uncovered, India cements its position as a celestial trailblazer, etching its mark on the vast canvas of the universe.


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